Dr. Daniel Glatt started to provide newborn circumcision in September 2022. Dr. Glatt completed his circumcision training with Dr. Lisa Rosenkrantz in Ottawa. Dr. Glatt completed an observership at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. He has also completed training to perform ritual Jewish circumcision (Mohel) and is a member of Mohalim of Ontario and the National Organization of American Mohalim (NOAM).
Dr. Glatt performs all circumcisions using local anesthetic (freezing) as well as an oral sucrose for pain control. Dr. Glatt performs circumcisions using the Mogen clamp. This is the most efficient technique to perform newborn circumcisions. The circumcision itself takes only a few minutes.
Please contact our office as soon as you are planning to circumcise your son. Ideal timing to contact our office is during the third trimester or if not possible, shortly after birth.
Optimal timing for circumcision is within the first weeks of life (ideally between 1-3 weeks) as long as the baby weighs at least 5.5 lbs/2.5 kg and is healthy. Dr. Glatt will perform circumcision in babies that are up to 6 weeks old and whose weight is less than 12 lbs/5.4 kg).
At the first visit you will meet with Dr. Glatt will complete a detailed health history with you and examine your child to ensure it is safe to perform a circumcision. The circumcision will either be performed the same day (usual process), your will be brought back for a second appointment. Please expect to be at the appointment for up to 90 minutes.
Following the circumcision there will be an optional follow-up appointment by phone or in person.
Infant circumcision is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in North America. Families choose to circumcise for a variety of reasons including religious observances, to have a similar appearance to a parent or sibling, and to prevent complications of not being circumcised.
The medical benefits of circumcision are limited such as reducing reducing UTIs, some sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, penile cancer, and treatment of phimosis.
Any procedure has risks including circumcision. Part of making an informed decision is understanding this possibility but they are extremely rare from circumcision. Potential risks include more than expected bleeding (1/20), infection, poor cosmetic appearance, injury to the tip of the penis, and post-operative complications such as adhesions/meatal stenosis. Very rarely with circumcisions more serious complications have occurred. More information can be found at the Canadian or American Pediatric Society websites.
You can schedule an appointment by calling our office at 613-354-8245 Monday thru Thursday or by clicking the button below.
Circumcision is not covered by OHIP. Total cost is $450 for an in office circumcision if scheduled before the 4th week of life.
An additional $125 fee will be applied for appointments scheduled between the 4th-and-6th week of life.
Payment is by e-transfer only.
Dr. Glatt will perform circumcision in the home at an additional surcharge within Napanee, Bath, Loyalist and Kingston when availability permits. This requires that one adult is willing to provide minor assistance during the procedure if done at home.
Dr. Glatt does accept referrals from other healthcare providers for circumcision which can be faxed to 1-855-533-4159.
Dr. Glatt will go over post circumcision care at his office. Please ensure you have purchased the following and bring to your appointment:
Dr. Glatt will review normal and abnormal post circumcision findings. You will be given contact information to reach Dr. Glatt in case of any concern at your appointment.
For ritual Jewish circumcisions Dr. Glatt does travel within Southeastern Ontario (Oshawa to Cornwall, Kingston to Ottawa, and Peterborough). If you live outside this area please feel free to contact our office and he may be able to accommodate a bris/brit elsewhere in Ontario.
If you know you will be having a boy please contact the office during your third trimester so we can review the ceremony and timing of the brit milah. Dr. Glatt is happy to work with your family to ensure that this is a meaningful life cycle event.
Costs for brit milah are variable depending on the location and timing of the bris.
Given Dr. Glatt’s clinical work at his office and Lennox and Addington County General Hospital the bris may have to occur prior to or following clinics. Dr. Glatt does not drive on shabbat or major Jewish holidays. If a bris falls on one of these days Brit Milah can be done at Beth Israel Synagogue in Kingston. If you live in a community outside of Kingston and cannot travel please contact Dr. Glatt and alternative arrangements may be possible.
Dr. Glatt is affiliated with Beth Israel Congregation in Kingston, Ontario and works closely with Rabbi Erin Polansky. For more information regarding Beth Israel Congregation please click on the following link. (https://www.kingston-bethisrael.ca/)
This is a circumcision ceremony which is performed where the birth mother/ birthing parent of the child is not Jewish. Please have your Rabbi contact Dr. Glatt.
This is a minor procedure for older boys and men who are converting to Judaism who are already circumcised. This involves drawing a single drop of blood from the skin of the shaft of the penis, which is essentially painless. Your Rabbi must contact Dr. Glatt prior to this procedure.